Sunday, July 18, 2010

So I forgot to send out an email last time I updated my blog, so if you would like, you can check out my post from July 4th.

I have mostly been just working. We went on field trip last week to the science museum. It was lots of fun. I wish that I had pictures, but I can't get them off of my camera. (The reason I can't is explain in my last post) The month has gone by really fast, and after next week we have a week off for summer break! I will be taking a trip to other places in Korea for the first five days, and will be back by Thursday of that week to meet my mom and Viv, who will be here for three days! I am so excited.
I will be traveling Korea by myself. I have all of my transportation planned (bullet train and flights), but have four nights where I don't have a place to stay. I'm bringing a tent with me just incase I can't find someplace when I get there. There are beaches that you are aloud to camp on. However, it will probably be raining the whole time, so I would prefer to find another option. It is really scary not having solid plans, but that makes it exciting.
I have been using my new bike alot. It makes the 2 mile trip to the store take so much shorter, and I feel so much more moble not having to depend on the busses and subways. I can actually get places faster using my bike than by using public transportation. My legs are still getting used to it though. I never considered riding my bike exercise, because I did it so much. But the first few times I went on longer rides, I noticed that my legs were really tight the next morning when I went for my run. It took me a while to figure out that it was riding my bike that was making my runs so hard.
It is really hot, humid and rainy here. Supposedly mid-July to mid-August is the worst of the monsoons. (Sorry mom and Viv, you really picked a bad time to come) When I get back from my runs in the morning, I am soaked all the way through, head to toe. The amazing rain jacket I have doesn't seem to do much. The water always seems to seep in around the edges. I guess it is good for me to get used to it, because if it is raining when I am in Nepal, there will be no way to avoid getting saturated.
My mom showed me a video of the neighborhood kids in the pool. I am missing being there. I also wish that I could have been there to go out skiing on the lake. I would give anything for a week at home this summer......
Love you all

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