Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh November....

November is the craziest month of the whole year at my school. We have four busy months each year, but November has even more stuff going on than other months. We have big tests and report cards like our busy months, but we also have parent meetings, administrative observations of our classes, and Christmas programs to prepare for. I thought that I had been prepared for my Christmas show. Since our program was canceled last December, I was going to use the same script, music decorations and props that I prepared for last year (for "The Grinch who Stole Christmas"). I guess another teacher decided she was going to do the Grinch, but didn't tell anyone. As a result, she thought about it for a few days before she found out that I had my Grinch show prepared. She claimed that she had the show first (even though I had been planning it before she was even in Korea). There were a couple of hours of really uncomfortable hours before I decided that it wasn't worth fighting for and I gave her all of my stuff. I ended up writing a new play, that I hope will be really fun. As a result of all the stuff that has to get done this month, I don't think that I have left work before 7:30 in last few weeks, and Have worked two Saturdays to do open houses for the school. (Yes, I know that all of you works long hours too.)

One interesting thing that happened last week was "Pepero Day." A pepero is basically a long cookie stick that is dipped in chocolate. Pepero Day is on November 11, (11/11) because the date looks like four pepero sticks. Really, the company that makes peperos was able to create a holiday when everyone has to buy thier product. All the kids bring in peperos for all the other kids, and the teachers are loaded with peperos of all kinds. It is an absolutely rediculous holiday. This picture is just some of the peperos that I recieved.

The leaves don't get as beautiful here as they do in Minnesota. We don't get whole hill sides ablaze with color. Most trees turn a dull brownish yellow color. There are a few trees that get bright colors, but they are very sparse.

I have been working more and more with Mountain Child, which is the organization that I went to Nepal with. I did a workshop with them today, and will be staffing a booth at some coming conferences. The more I am involved with them the more I see the importance of their work. I am excited to be working with them now, as the organization is new and growing in so many ways. They are starting to get short team missions teams from all over the world. I think that they have 16 teams booked in the next six months from the U.S., Australia, South Africa and South Korea. We have found major sporting brands to sponsor Mountain Child, universities to partner with, and even a celebrity spokesperson. Check out what my passion is growing for at

Thank you everyone at home for throwing my mom an amazing surprise birthday party! She really didn't think that is was going to be just for her.

Congratulations Brett and Cassie! Oliver is beautiful. I hope you are enjoying your first weeks of parenthood.

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