Monday, August 10, 2009

Week to Go

I had my going away party yesterday. It was so good to see so many people that I love. There were definitely some people that I missed, but I hope to see those people before I leave.
My contract starts in 10 days now, and I still have no idea when (or if) I need to go to Chicago, or when my flight out is going to be. It is starting to get nerve wracking. I'm the type of person who likes to have things planned out and know what is going on, and this is driving me crazy.
I have had many people ask me what I am most worried about. The only thing that is worrying me right now is what will happen right when I get into Seoul. Will there be someone at the airport to meet me? To take me to my apartment? Show me where the school is? I'm not worried about anything after getting settled in. I know that there are other teachers who all do things together, so I know that there will be people to hang out with. I think that there are a lot of people there who speak English, so I will be able to ask for help getting around, and when I am shopping.
I am really excited about being somewhere where I am average height or even relatively tall. I also will be able to find clothes that fit without as much as the normal hassle that I have here. Although it will take some getting used to, I think that I will do okay with the food over there. They eat a lot of vegetable dishes, so there will be a lot of things that I will like. I am a little concerned about not having an oven, but how much do I really use it anyways. I'm sure that if I am really craving something baked, they will have some things at the stores that I can buy.
Hopefully next time I post I will know when I am leaving. Heck, maybe I will be blogging from Korea.
Till next time,

1 comment:

  1. Get used to the hurry up and wait. Most other cultures that I've dealt with pretty much run on that philosphy. It drives us all nuts.
