Some of my favorite quotes from the past few weeks:
"I think I am just a little bit insane." (This was completely random, out of the blue)
"One time my dad went and talked to the police, and when he came back he wasn't allwed to use his car for a week."
"A frame is a picture's house"
We learned about different kinds of sentences in grammar class. On one assignment, I gave them a type of sentence, and a person. They had to write that type of sentence that the person might say. Here are just a few:
(Exclamation, Father) "Yeah! I'm staying home with my daughter!"
"Oh no, my bread is done!"
(Command, Grandfather) "Don't run and don't cry."
(Command, Boss) (This came after spending a good amount of time explaining what a boss is, mostly by using the director of the school as my boss as an example.) "Drive me to the airport."
"Don't give the students any homework today."
"Teach the children what boos means."
These picture were taken on Halasan in Jeju. The trail that I took down kind of followed this stream for a few kilometers. Every turn the path took produced yet another beautiful, peaceful view. Every time the stream showed up again, I couldn't help but think "Oh, it looks just like something Bruce would make." I realize that in reality, it's the other way around. Bruce makes stuff that looks just like nature. Just the fact that I had that thought so often is a testiment to how talented Bruce is at what he does. The other picture is the top of the mountain, which is currently a dormant volcano.
For now I am getting prepared for my trip to Nepal. I still don't know exactly what we will be doing. Our team is preparing skits and stories to show the villages that we visit. We will be sleeping on the dirt floors of villager's homes. We will be bringing basic medical packs, and doing first aid. The places that we are going don't have schools or any medical posts. You can only get to them by hiking. There are six of us going. Other than that, I don't really know much about the trip. I am super excited. I leave in three weeks!